Five Principal Questions

Our principal answers five critical questions about Information Providers. On occasion of our 12th anniversary.


1. Would you do anything differently if you were to start from scratch?

Definitely no. Information Providers encompasses a world class group of designers and developers that fulfill my creative vision everytime. As online producer I can’t think of a better team to realize my vision for the Latin American Internet. We have made a lot of mistakes but eventually we grew stronger because of them and that is also  a very important part of the journey. We are like a big architecture firm in which the vision is brought to reality by hard work and obsesive care over the details. And I’m very glad to have crystalized such a culture.

2. Which design has been your best if any?

My best design is the one I will do tomorrow. I expect the best of myself and my team and everyday new technologies come out that increase our possibilities and broaden our global reach. I want to offer that new array of possibilities to each and every one of our clients.

3. What is the key to producing award-winning websites? 

Like Hillman Curtis said: “We make visible the invisible”,  when representing big global firms online is key to find the soul of the message and the needs of the recipient. Only then can we architect an online dialog that serves both the needs of the audience and solves the pain points of the brand. Then technical mastery and detailed communication play an important role. We don’t always get it right but I’m very proud of our track record.

4. What excites you in technology right now?

Crypto-currency is the next frontier. We have already produced so many apps for the iPhone and tablets and Bitcoin now looks like the next frontier. Latinos need a cheap way to send money to their relatives in Latin America so crypto will be a big hit in our region. We’re already deploying bitcoin-ready websites and we have a partnership with large crypto-currency miners and developers in London and the USA.

5. What is next for Jordhy Ledesma and Information Providers?

International expansion. We are in the process of opening up our consulting and development practice to serve a large number of Latinos in the US and the EU. This requires a lot of paper work and due diligence but it’s well worth the effort.  For example, there are more Dominicans with access to the Internet in NYC than in the D.R. A presence in America means we can serve the needs of millions of Dominicans and Latinos that need our services.