Onapi Virtual

Onapi is the National Patent and Intellectual Property Registration Office of the D.R. We created the first version of Onapi Virtual in 2005 and the second version in 2007. The success of this portal was such that more than 45% of the registrations are now performed online and take less than 20 days to process.… Continue reading Onapi Virtual

Tidal Wave of e-GOV Innovation

A tour of our most successful goverment projects and how we create a new digital infrastructure that changes the world every second. We discuss impact, standards and e-government technology. e-Government Services are the Cornerstone of Modern Societies Our most impactful work is related to e-government developments. In this respect, we’ve built new standards, won awards, … Continue reading Tidal Wave of e-GOV Innovation

Web 2.0, New Marketing Mix

Print, Radio, TV, Exterior, Web and now Web 2.0, the new ingredient of your marketing mix. Does your company have a facebook page? Do you constantly upload videos to Youtube? Do you syndicate content at least monthly? There’s a new channel on the Internet, which is the new way of getting your clients’ attention. Is… Continue reading Web 2.0, New Marketing Mix

1st Government 2.0 in the Region

With an event celebrated in the Hilton hotel of Santo Domingo, the superintedent of banks, Mr. Haivanhoe Ng Cortiñas presented the first government 2.0 site of the Dominican Republic. The website, developed by Information Providers, is the hallmark of local government sites, a masterpiece that introduces about a dozen new technologies to public administration websites… Continue reading 1st Government 2.0 in the Region

SIV: e-Government at its Finest

Our production of the Dominican Superintendence of Securities website won the National World Summit Awards and was nominated to compete in the global WSA prize organized by the United Nations in the forum of the Information Society. This website brought, for the first time access to every major decision point about listed securities, an online… Continue reading SIV: e-Government at its Finest